امروز مردم لیبی در جشن و سرورند، باید دید آن ها کجا هستند، و ما کجاییم!؟ ۲

بی تردید امروز از بزرگترین روز تاریخی مردم لیبی است. روزی فراموش نشدنی در تاریخ آن کشور.

مردم لیبی سر انجام توانستند با همت و پشتکاری بی نظیر، با سپاه بزرگ مردی دیوانه و خونخوار برای مدت ۶ ماه، شب و روز، مدام و بی وقفه، به نبرد پردازند، و در آستانه پیروزی کاملند، تا کشور را از آن خود کنند، آزادی و دموکراسی را در آن پیاده کنند.

گروههای مبارز باقذافی، جان و هستی خود را در مبارزه با رژیم دژخیم او گذاشته اند. این جوانان، از جان خود مایه گذاشتند تا به دیکتاتوری در کشورشان خاتمه داده، و دموکراسی را در آن پیاده کنند.

گروههای مبارز باقذافی، جان و هستی خود را در مبارزه با رژیم دژخیم او گذاشته اند. این جوانان، از جان خود مایه گذاشتند تا به دیکتاتوری در کشورشان خاتمه داده، و دموکراسی را در آن پیاده کنند.

در این میان، نباید رل ناتو در بمباران کردن مواضع نظامی، هم چنین پشتبانی و حمایت معنوی دولت های غربی به ویژه انگلیس، آمریکا را نادیده گرفت.

بی تردید، مردم لیبی با درایت و روشن فکری تمام، دستخوش هیچ گونه انحرافی از سوی فرستاده های قذافی نشدند، و با استقامی کم نظیر به راه مبارزه خود ادامه دادند.

از آن جا که  در لیبی قبیله های گوناگونی زندگی می کنند که شمار زیادی از آن ها برای ۴۱ سال از قذافی یک دیوانه زنجیری طرف داری کرده اند. مردی که بیشتر به دلقک ها شبیه است و بیشتر به درد نمایشنامه های کمدی و یا سیرک می خورده است، تا رهبر یک کشور. از این روی، مبارزه و همبستگی مردم لیبی  با وجود این قبیله های گوناگون،  و حرکات بی منطق و دور از خرد این فرد جای بسی شگفتی است.

این ویدیو مبارزه خونین مردم لیبی را در برابر رژیم ستمکار قذافی دیده می شود.

نکته ای که کار مبارزه مردم را در این ۶ ماه دشوار کرده بود، دخالت و فرماندهی فرزندان قذافی به ویژه سیف الاسلام است. سیف الاسلام مرد خونخوار و بی رحم وآدم کشی است که سرکردگی مزدوران و جنایت کاران را بر عهده داشته است. عملکرد این فرد را باید با مجتبی خامنه ای همانند و برابر دانست. مجتبی خامنه ای نیز خونخواری است که سرکردگی مزدوران، چاقو کشان و اوباشان را بر عهده دارد. هم اکنون که محمد و سیف الاسلام از سوی نیروهای مردمی دستگیر شده اند، یقیناً آن ها را در دادگاههای مردمی به محاکمه خواهند کشاند تا به سزای جنایت ها و دزدی هایشان برسند.

محمد قذافی، یک دیکتاتور و دیوانه زنجیری که ۴۱ سال کشورش را در چنگ خود گرفت، و از هرگونه جنایت و غارت گری کوتاهی نکرده است، همراه با فرزند جنایتکارش سیف الاسلام دیده می شود.

محمد قذافی، یک دیکتاتور و دیوانه زنجیری که ۴۱ سال کشورش را در چنگ خود گرفت، و از هرگونه جنایت و غارت گری کوتاهی نکرده است، همراه با فرزند جنایتکارش سیف الاسلام دیده می شود.

ما انتظار داشتیم که بتوانیم زودتر و پیش از کشورهای عربی به آزادی و دموکراسی برسیم. انتظار آن بود که تا کنون توانسته باشیم نسل آخوند را که به هیچ روی به کشور ما تعلق ندارند، بلکه دشمن و خائن به سرزمینمان می باشند، از ایران پاک کرده باشیم. نسلی که ۱۴۰۰ سال است خون مردم ما را مکیده اند، و هنوز هم با کمال بی شرمی به خیانت خود ادامه می دهند.

چنانچه مردم ایران به ویژه جوانان میهنمان، به دنبال رهبر، به ویژه به دنبال سبز و سرخ، و آبی نباشند، و مانند مردم مصر و سوریه خود جوش و خود مبارز باشند، در اندک زمانی قادر خواهند بود این رژیم را از پای در آورند. آزادی و دموکراسی ایران به همت و همبستگی جوانان بستگی دارد، و آینده ایران از آن جوانان است.

در آخرین لحظاتی که این مقاله آماده پخش می شد، با خرسندی و شادمانی دریافتیم که دیوانه زنجیری به نام قذافی دستیگر شده است که گویا این خبر صحت ندارد، هنوز مردم در حال مبارزه برای دستگیری او می باشند.

  • Parsi

    Ma( parsian) ham bezodi ba dar ekhtiyar gereftane sazeman dehi moshtarak nasime azadi ra hes khahim kard

  • Dear Mr. President the rout of September 11

    Sorrowfully, I do not know to whom should I write, the
    system ignore me. You said that your government will help the small business so
    that they can continue to survive. But in my case they did not do it until now.
    I have a boarding school with a farm, the students can live, work and learn
    here. I can provide organic food and can create jobs for at least 40 people,
    but the County and Bank do not cooperate with me. In the time that my boarding school
    operates, I save a lot of boys and girls, who could be on drug and problem now.
    But through my help, now they finished the school and are working and paying
    taxes. Is it my reward that my business should be destroyed, because of the
    situation? I opened a boarding school, but since last two years a lot of
    problems had happened. First the price of the houses and real states goes 50%
    down and the bank froze all equity line of credits that I have and even did not
    use them. By this action I have no money to pay for the school costs, and run
    the farms I provided. I planted over 1000 citrus trees and most of them are
    dying, because I cannot hire people to keep them alive?  I cannot have partners; too, because the
    price of the business is over 50% lower that I owe the bank, nobody will risk putting
    his money in this situation? I know eight languages and I can teach them, but
    in this condition, I cannot use my skills. From one side the school boarding
    costs less than the money that I spent for it, which is not normal. But the
    situation is like that. Generally a non profit organization like me should be
    supported by government or churched or people, I have no support and in other
    hand I have been punished?  The price is
    down and the Bank of American does not understand this fact, the rate is low
    and they do not care.


    You told that your government will help the small
    business to survive. And I have a lot of potential, which now is not used. I am
    citizen, so the system ignores me and do not consider to solve and or negotiate
    my problems and situation. The Orange County zoning department
    made a mistake and I have to pay their mistake. They cancelled my occupational license
    and an attorney says, she can get my permission back if I pay her in advance. She
    will charge me 200 dollars per hours, how can I pay this money. I am a non profitable
    organization, that I do not make enough money to pay the bills, how can I pay
    her? I have to pay for the mistake of Orange County and they do not
    care that they damage my business and I have a lost over 800,000.00 for their
    mistake. I rented the houses to regular people, it was designed for a boarding
    school, so the people thought I ma rich and they did not pay the rent. I have
    to go to the court system to pay to send them out of the houses. It takes time
    and money until I get the paperwork for sending them out. The court system takes
    time and the people stay free in the house and damaged the house, because they
    were angry, that I went to the court before the police or Sheriff comes they
    left the house took what ever they needed and wanted and damaged the house. The
    water damaged the house ,too and now insurance company just paid for one week to
    dry the carpets, and they refused to pay. I lost another 200,000.00 dollars for
    their robbing. I paid many years to them and collected hundred of papers from
    them, but in the time I need help, they ignored me. I went to different institutes
    to help me, they referred me to attorneys, an attorney took my case on contingency,
    but over two years had passed and nothing is happening. I have a lot of checks
    from the people and they do not pay me. Again attorneys want a lot of money in
    advance to try to cash my checks. I lost all my saving and all my work for this
    business. I have no support from the government and they act so indifferently,
    may be because I am just citizen of the USA.  Because of the situation, capital that I have
    is reduced to more than half, but the bank wants the same capital and the same
    interest rat.  And always treat me with foreclose
    process. I explain my situation, but it seems they do not care. I lost over
    800,000.00 so I cannot pay the credit cards and the loans in time and in the
    same condition. The people who owe me money, they do not pay me. There is a chaos
    here.  They do not pay me, but other side
    call me every five minuet and wants money. It seems they also changed to
    robots? They repeated the same thing, but they do not listen to me. Now they
    damaged my credit so I cannot work in other places, too. You see there is no
    law and just here, the county makes mistake, I have to be punished for their


    In this case the weak person, even he/she has no fault
    should be punished, do you call this just? 
    The insurance companies gathered money from many years and gave me
    hundred pages, and now I need them they do not pay, they are also cruel and
    robbers. Do you think that is just? They misuse the system which is indifferent
    or ignored me? The people used my boarding and did not pay, and again robbed me
    five times my house. The police cannot do a serious job either. I am s source
    of income and money for the people, they can robe me and it is fine. Why
    because I am just citizen? The money which is stolen by the people and the
    capital which had been gone by the situation are my responsibilities to cover
    and pay in full, but the people robbed me, destroyed my business and damaged my
    life; it is fine?  I am punished, because
    I trusted Orange County zoning
    department. I am punished because I trusted insurance company, and I ma punished
    because the people did misused my business and robbed it. In the time that USA will try to
    guide the world and help the other country that should happened here? I worked
    more than 30 years as a college teacher and I am 58 years old and I lost everything
    I had, because of the mistake of Orange County, if they did not give this
    occupational license, I would stay as college teacher for Arabic, German and
    political science and or could work as Latin teacher or even sub teacher and I
    did not have all these problem. Now I lost all my capital, all years that I worked
    here and the bank will short sell the boarding school cheap to the third
    person. With other words the bank will give all my capital to the third person,
    because I am robbed and am a victim. Nobody care and there is no Just here. Sorry,
    but in this way, we will have more problem here in the USA.


    The young people need work and securities in other countries
    and here, I worked so many years and the people and system and insurance
    companies destroyed my life and nobody care.  I tried to be consultant, but because I have
    so many loans and because the people robbed me, they did not hire me? I do not
    know how can you call all of these unjust?


    My boarding school is in eight acres land with
    possibilities to work; we can grow chicken, fish and produce organic food. I
    intention was that I should have a safe place for the boys and girls to live,
    work and learn. I need partners to run the different part of the school such as
    fish or chicken business parts. My boarding is close to university and the
    other one is close to the medical school of UCF or university of central
    Florida. I helped a lot of boys and girls who have difficulties to find a nice
    and cheap place to live and I helped them in the college materials to pass
    their exams. I can also teach languages and GRE or GMAT for international
    students. That prepares them to pass the M. S. or M. Degree exams. If the
    school works with full capacity, it can pay all its costs. If I can have
    motivated and knowledgeable people to work with me, we can produce enough
    organic food to save a lot of people, as you know the food that we are eating
    is full of preservers and hormones which make us fatty and sick. Sorrowfully as
    you know our people have a lot of problems, you may read that they have
    problems in Greece and other countries. Our youth except the rich ones, have a
    lot of problems in our countries and in the time that they come in other
    countries, west or even east to have a better life, they will have new
    problems. Our rich or super rich people they do not care for our youths in our
    courtiers and in other countries and they should fight with different problems

    The Western cultures generally do not like us and our
    cultures, they are polite, but they do not want here. They try in a polite way
    to ignore us or destroy us. I tried to reduce this hate and help the youth. But
    as I told you the system will generally ignore us and push us down so far that
    we live their countries. And as you know many people do not have possibilities
    to live and exist in our countries, because they cannot pay the bribes, they do
    not have proper friends, or they have not money, work or even a proper place to
    live. As a college teacher I tried to solve these problems, but I have
    difficulties to run this huge school by myself alone. The schools here are
    generally supported by government, people or churches or even mosques, but I
    have not support, in opposite the system brings my insurance, tax and payment
    higher that I walk away. I planted by myself over 1000 citrus trees in the farm
    of school and did a lot of improvement in the farm and boarding school. To know
    how difficult the life is for our youth, the two children of the last king of
    Iran killed themselves here. A lot of my students even with PhD degrees killed
    themselves, too. You can imagine how difficult the life in the West for our
    people is. The system of the west will destroy us. We will be attacked from
    inside by the people who are brain washed against the west cultures and
    religions, and also from out side by the fundamental Christian and supper
    nationalists of west. With other words, the difficult situation brings us even
    against each other. The hate between different religions, languages, races will
    destroy us soon or late. But I hope not. Our families as have different
    structures as here, will be mostly damaged here and also in our countries. Our
    girls burn themselves and our youth boys are full of sexual complexes. To
    ignore all these problems, will not solve them. Our youths are not happy there,
    because of the problems there and in the time they are here, they face other
    problems as I told you from inside and out side. I hope I did answer your
    question. I love to work for unity of mankind and for our youth especially as I
    think they need help. Yours Amir Nasser Ali G.